Educators are often looking for help or additional resources for G-Suite. A full staff PD over G-Suite could potentially last hours and leave advanced users bored to tears and novice users hopelessly lost. YouTube is a great resource, but the sheer volume of videos can be overwhelming and it can be time-consuming to find exactly what you are looking for.
There are many online resources for G-Suite from individual users to official Google publications.
The ETS website has tutorials for all G-Suite tools as well as many other Edtech tools and all district employees have the opportunity to earn badges that showcase their accomplishments.
Another option is going directly to Google for the answers you are looking for and we don’t mean doing an internet search. The G-Suite Learning Center has multiple resources with many solutions to common problems as well as tips and downloadable cheat sheets. G-Suite is tailored mainly for general or business use but offers a good overview of G Suite tools.

Hoonuit is an excellent resource for all things education and teachers who earn certificates can upload them to MyLearningPlan and receive OKCPS PD credit. The G Suite tutorial is broken down by tool and teachers can choose to watch only those videos they are interested in learning about. Hoonuit (formerly Atomic Learning) is linked on every district laptop and accessible
with your district login.
with your district login.
Google for Education: Training Center (not to be confused with G Suite Learning Center) has many resources for Teachers. Google for Education is arranged similar to G Suite, but is geared specifically towards educators. For help with specific Google tools, click here and find the information you need to maximize your teaching practice. Google for Education also offers certification for educators interested showcasing their google abilities.
Interested in earning your Google Educator Level I certification? Contact ETS for a free voucher!
*Any teacher who completes their Google Educator Level I certification is eligible to earn 3 hours of OKCPS PD credit in My Learning Plan.