Ready for School ETLC Week 2 - Create a Class Website
Start your school year with a hub for your
announcements, calendar, student resources, parent resources, and
student work spotlights... Create a class website! We are a Google Apps for Education (GAFE) district, so Google Sites is our recommended platform for teacher/class websites.
your class website will require you to invest a bit of time up-front. Review the options below, then plan some time to create your
website this week.
- Watch 5 Basic Things to Get Started in Google Sites.
Hint: Complete the components described in each section of the video before moving on to watch the next section.
- Watch the Google Sites tutorial series in Atomic Learning.
Hint: Complete the components described in each video or section before moving on to watch the next video.
- Follow the one-page guide to plan and create your Google Site.
Hint: Use this page in conjunction with one of the video options above.
We grow when we collaborate and learn form one another. Once your initial Google Site is created, please share it on Twitter using the hashtag #okcpsETLC. If you don't love Twitter just yet, post the link to your Google Site in the Comments below this blog post.
Important Note:
Google Sites is not very intuitive at first glance. Take your time and explore. Contact your ETS Coach with any questions; we're here to help!