July 4, 2016

Ready for School ETLC Week 1 - Remind

Remind is a FREE service you can use to send text messages and emails to students* and/or parents all while keeping your contact information private. Also, you do not have to get cell phone numbers to add to a list. 

Here is your challenge:
1. Sign up for a Remind account.
     a. Go to the website: remind.com 
     b. Click the sign-up button in the top right-hand corner.
2. Create a class. (TB1, Physical Science, Kindergarten, Cheerleaders...you can create as many classes as you would like.)
3. Tweet out how you are going to use Remind with your class next year. Include the hashtag: #okcpsetlc If you do not wish to use Twitter, you can leave a comment on this blog post about how you will use Remind.

Once you create your class, you will receive a code. This code is how students/parents will sign up to receive notifications from you. Back to School night or Open House would be a GREAT way to get everyone signed up. You can print one PDF sheet for each of your classes or if you have one class, have the information displayed on a computer screen or SMART Board so they can sign up. There are a few schools that are even using this service with their staff. Take some time to review the OKCPS Social Media Guidelines.

Take a look at these resources to help you!

*If students are under 13, a parent email address will be required in order for them to join.