Think YouTube is just for watching videos? Think again! YouTube allows you to create playlists to save your favorite videos. You can also upload videos to share with a specific audience or... the world!
It's so easy! Google owns YouTube, so having a Google (or OKCPS) account means you also automatically have a YouTube account (called a YouTube "Channel").
YouTube Channel Spotlights
Check out these OKCPS Teachers' Channels, and comment on a video to encourage the students!
Supported by the school's advisory board, this elective class
produces the school's daily announcements. Over the school year, student tasks progress in complexity, from simple videos to multi-video YouTube playlists. Deirdra Robert's students take ownership as they create, upload, edit, and publish their videos.
Check out the KOSU radio news spotlight on Mr. Gellar's class! Want even more info? Here's the class' website!
Ideas for YOUR Youtube Channel
Students or Staff ~ Create and Upload:
- Educational songs, raps, or music videos (parodies or originals)
- Skits (related to a specified learning objective)
- Animated cartoons using vocab words with context
- Tutorials or how-to videos
- Daily or weekly school announcements
- Field trip highlights
- Sport or club highlights
- Recap or spotlight videos (e.g. weekly #ApplaudOKCPS video)
- Interview:
- Students (If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why? If you could change the world, how would you do it? If you could design a new school, what would it be like?)
- Staff (What animal would you be and why? Why did you go into this profession? Most fun lesson you teach?)
- Guest speakers
- Student-created: historical figures, fictional characters, etc.
You can also save any video on YouTube to Playlists you create. This is great for helping students access selected videos on a particular topic for extra review and learning.
Video Tools
- Adobe Voice (Apple app): Quick and easy; Tell a story with images and your voice.
- Magisto (Chrome): Select the theme and soundtrack, add images and video, and Magisto mashes it all up!
- Google Slides: Narrate and save.
- Powtoon or Animoto: Create animated videos.
- iMovie (Apple)
- or Screencastify (saves straight to Drive): Record your computer screen and voice narration. Free, easy to use, and runs from your web-browser.
- WeVideo: Awesome for slightly advanced user; students go through iBoss and need to choose “personal” free account.
Get Started
Play, plan, create, and get students creating. Then, log in to your Google/YouTube account and go to the "Creator Studio" to begin using YouTube like a pro. Upload and share with a global audience.
Not ready yet? Watch the YouTube for Educators tutorial series in Atomic Learning, and contact your ETS Coach to schedule training or one-on-one support.
OKCPS Team: Do you use a YouTube Channel with your class or department? If so, please share the link and a short description in the comments section of this post. Sharing inspires others!