Are you curious about starting your own blog? Are you wanting to share about your class and teaching practices but don't know where to begin? Join us for a four week blogging challenge. You will first create a blog and then compose four blog posts over the four weeks. Each week you will receive helpful hints to build the best blog you can! Here are the details of the challenge!
Purpose: To connect educators, share resources, and reflect on our teaching/professional practices. Create and share 1 blog post each week on the topic of your choice.
1. Create a blog if you do not have one.
2. Sign up on this Google Doc to get started.
3. Post a new blog post each Friday (or another day that works for you).
4. Return to the Doc each Friday to link your weekly post.
5. If you are on Twitter, tweet your blog post using the hashtag #OKCPSblogs
Where to Start:
If you are new to blogging, you will want to choose a platform. There are many platforms to choose from but a few of the most popular are Blogger, WordPress and EduBlogs. Here is a great chart comparing a few blogging platforms.
Here is a Pinterest board with tons of resources related to blogging. Please feel free to peruse as you have time. Also check out the OKCPS ETS Pinterest Blogging Board as an additional resource.
Sign Up:
1. Complete this Google Doc! Simply scroll down to the table and add your information.
2. Sign up in Generation Ready using Class Code 380.17147.
3. Check out the OKCPS ETS blog for weekly updates beginning
February 8, 2016.
Attend the optional kick-off event:
Attend the optional kick-off event: