May 21, 2019

Tackling Adobe Premiere

The Challenge

Our team recently received video equipment to capture innovative instruction and PD occurring throughout the district. Our goal is to create and share engaging high-quality videos that exemplify the great instruction in our district.

Neal Kellogg, our administrator, encourages a growth mindset among our department and pushes us to go beyond our comfort zones. He stumbled upon the Video for Educators Course which emphasized  Adobe Premiere. He requested that we complete this 25 hour course as a team. The end goal was to increase our proficiency with the tool.

The Process

This course required us to complete a journal entry after each assignment using Adobe Spark. Each of us had a unique journey, you can follow along by reading our journals below.

Enjoy the Show

Below you will find our final video submissions. We found the editing process to take up most of our time. Many of us had to submit due to the course deadline, not because we felt our videos complete. We still have a lot to learn, but we are happy about our growth.

        By: Neal Kellogg

       By: Casey Denton

By: Melisa Dubbs

By: Anthony Maxwell

By: Jessica Robinson

By: Christine Mueller