February 27, 2019

Come Fly With Us! (Spring Intersession)

The ETS Department is offering two sessions during Spring Intersession, March 11-13, and we are inviting you to join us! The two sessions are Focus: Managing the Digital Classroom and Reducing the Digital Clutter.

Are you in need of support with managing your digital classroom? Well, this is the session for you. This will be an interactive work session to guide teachers in the creation of a well managed digital classroom. Please bring your district-issued laptop fully charged.

Is your Google Drive a mess with files everywhere? Is your inbox full of unread emails? Do you want to utilize your Google Calendar more? Well, this is the session for you! This session will focus on tips to help you clean and organize your district-issued laptop. This will be an active work session giving you the time to reduce digital stress and clutter. Please bring your district-issued laptop fully charged.

You can sign up through My learning Plan. We hope to see you soon!
