August 31, 2016

Google Form Share-a-thon Results

The first-ever OKCPS Google Form Share-a-thon and Competition was a hit!  Submissions ranged from beginners creating their first Form to pros sharing their best ideas.

31 Forms were submitted from 27 different people
representing 18 schools and the Central Office!



Here are just a few of our favorite submissions and ideas:
(Please do not actually fill out and submit these Forms.)


Sonic Drink Winners

The winners for the Most Creative Form Use are the science-duo:
Chanel Johnstun and Vera Jantz

The randomly selected participant-winners (courtesy of are Kirk Wilson, Northwest Classen Principal, and Christen Watson, Central Office Budget Manager.



Are you curious, inspired, and ready to save time and stay organized by using Google Forms?  If so, check out the concise and helpful tutorial videos in our training series.


What's Next

Continue doing amazing things with digital tools to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and learning!  And keep your eyes peeled for the next resource share-a-thon and competition, coming soon to an email inbox near you!