November 30, 2015

The 12 Days of Twitter Ed Tech Learning Challenge

The 12 Days of Twitter
December 14-25, 2015

Are you ready for another educational technology learning challenge? Join us from December 14th - December 25th for The 12 Days of Twitter. You will become a Twitter star in twelve days. Each day a new task will be posted on the OKCPS ETS Blog for you to complete.

Here’s how to get started!
  1. Visit the OKCPS ETS Blog on December 14, 2015 to read about the first task.
  2. Then, visit the blog daily to read about the new task. Complete the daily task and share it on Twitter using the #OKCPSmas hashtag.

For more information, contact Mandy Green at 587.0315. See you on Twitter on December 14th!