November 19, 2015

Pratt's Poe-sters created with Google Drawings

While all students in grades 8-12 at John Marshall Mid/High were taking the PSAT, the 7th graders were getting their creativity on in Language Arts with Mrs. Pratt. 

In this lesson, students researched the life of Edgar Allen Poe, read The Black Cat, and created Google Drawings she cleverly renamed "Poe-sters." Students were divided into groups of six and given varying tasks; each pair within the group was to research either Poe's career, his life, or his death. After the research was complete, the class read aloud The Black Cat, each student following along with an online copy and Mrs. Pratt checking for understanding of concept and vocabulary after each paragraph. 

 The actual creation of the "Poe-sters" was done after Mrs. Pratt demonstrated how to create Google Drawings. She only asked that students include; a background depicting the mood and tone of the story, images related to the story, and a quote from the story to use on the drawing. Students dove into this assignment taking ownership, finding awesome pictures and even asking to make another one for a homework assignment. 


Kenzie Pratt is one of eight teachers at John Marshall Mid/High School who was awarded a Chrome book cart for her classroom for daily use, making her classroom a 1:1 environment for each hour. She has truly embraced the 1:1 devices in daily classroom work, creating learning opportunities unavailable before, and allowing the students to have a lot of voice and choice in their learning. 

Check out more Google drawing resources:
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