What is Google Classroom?
Google Classroom is a digital platform to create an online classroom space for assignments, announcements, discussions, grades, feedback, and a calendar. Classroom helps keep teachers and students organized, productive, and communicative.
How can I use Google Classroom?
Alice Keeler has some AMAZING Google Classroom resources. In her 50 Things You Can Do with Google Classroom blog post, she offers numerous great ideas, here are just a few of those ideas.
1. Make class announcements
2. Create a lesson
3. Go paperless
4. Create a discussion
5. Classroom collaboration
6. Document digital work
7. Virtual faculty meetings
8. Provide peer feedback
9. Student projects
10. Communicate with parents
How are Other Teachers Using Google Classroom?
We have several teachers using Google Classroom in our district across all grade levels. Mr. Paul Turner's Fifth Grade class at Stand Watie is using Classroom to complete assignments as they move towards a paperless classroom.
If you are interested in learning more about using Google Classroom, check out the resources below or take a look at the tutorials in Atomic Learning!