October 21, 2016

Becoming a Tech-Savvy Administrator

Steve Anderson wrote a book, Becoming a Tech-Savvy Administrator. This books explores ways for administrators to integrate more technology into their work. Most of the tools, noted below, can help increase collaboration and communication. 

A blog can be used in many ways. For instance, instead of writing a "Monday Memo" email, try creating a blog and then writing a blog post for each week. 

Twitter is a great tool to find resources and interact with other professional educators around the world. Twitter also allows you to share the great things happening on your campus with the world. 

Diigo is a collaborative bookmarking tool which can be used with your personal learning network for sharing and discovery.

Google Drive
Google Drive is ideal for keeping files organized and available to many people.  Increase transparency and collaboration by deliberately designing your school's folder structure and sharing permissions.

Google Forms
Within Drive, Google Forms con increase efficiency and effectiveness of observations and feedback.  Consider developing Forms that track specific measurable goals, such as the quantity and quality of questions asked by the teacher and the students.