If you have not taken a look at Google Forms before now, you have been missing out! Google Forms provides an easy way to gather information from parents such as contact information, signing up for conferences, classroom wish list items, classroom volunteers and more! You can create the form and send a link through Remind to your parents or create QR Codes parents can scan during Back to School night or Open House.
Here is your challenge:
1. Create a Google Form to gather information from parents.
2. Create a QR Code for parents to scan. (They will need a QR scanning app on their device. Most FREE ones will do the trick.)
a. Copy the URL (web address) of the live form.
b. Go to the website: goqr.me (or your favorite QR Code generator)
c. Paste the URL in the text box.
d. Download and save the QR Code to your computer, (Remember where you save it!)
e. Paste the QR Code into a document to print or display on computer or SMART Board.
3. Be sure to tweet out one way you are going to use Google Forms to gather data next year. Include the hashtag: #okcpsetlc
Take a look at these resources to help you!
OKCPS Atomic Learning Tutorials
Getting Started with Forms
Innovative Ideas for Using Google Forms
Some great new things in Google that were just announced this summer!